Effective prevention and treatment options exist. These are: 1. perceived control; 2. cognitive appraisals; 3. cognitive beliefs; 4. cognitive distortions. Regarding psychiatric labeling, which of the following statements is FALSE? People who have a severe mental disorder in which they are delusional or hallucinating have a slightly higher level of violent behavior than people who do not have a mental disorder. Organic mental disorders are those with a physical basis that can be easily diagnosed using current technology. c. Organic mental disorders are those disorders which occur naturally and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) One of the most common psychological disorder, of childhood, in which individuals show one or more of the following: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Mental disorders involve significant disturbances in thinking, emotional regulation, or behaviour. Psychological disorders are often identified by subjective symptoms. The following is a general overview of contributing factors to personality disorders. (a) Personality disorders are all maladaptive but vary in severity of impairment (b) (Select all that apply.) b. b. Organic mental disorders are those disorders which have a physical basis. Which of the following statements are true regarding the DSM-5? A ) Multiple studies have found that people with a major mental illness are less violent than those without a psychological disorder . Most people do not have access to effective care. True or false: Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder that is characterized by extreme mood swings. People with even mild psychological disorders are more likely to be dangerous and violent than people who do not have a mental disorder. b. People who have a severe mental disorder in which they are delusional or hallucinating have a slightly higher level of violent behavior than people who do not have a mental disorder. c. Disproportionate to actual danger Disruptive Experience involves Motor tension Hyperactivity Apprehension DSM-5 recognizes 12 types of anxiety disorders Generalized Anxiety Disorder Feelings of persistent anxiety for > 6 months with no identifiable cause People with generalized anxiety disorder Worry constantly about work, relationships, health The boundaries between "normal" behavior and behavior typical of a disorder are very clear. A. The prevalence rate is 25% for those over age 80. c. The outcome is similar to that of Alzheimer's disease. If the choice option is not false, then it should not be selected. d. The risk for men is slightly higher than women. Which of the following is FALSE regarding psychological disorders? Which of the following is FALSE regarding the causes of antisocial personality disorder? The study of psychological disorders is called psychopathology. B) Researchers aren't sure if this is the case because the definition of psychological disorders repeatedly changes. C) I agree. Defining Disorder. Psychological health is a myth. This chapter examines common experiences survivors may encounter immediately following or long after a traumatic Biological disorders are often identified by a physiological marker. The biological model views psychological disorders as resulting from_____. Providers need to understand how trauma can affect treatment presentation, engagement, and the outcome of behavioral health services. A psychological disorder is an ongoing dysfunctional pattern of thought, emotion, and behavior that causes significant distress, and that is considered deviant in that persons culture or society (Butcher, Mineka, & Hooley, 2007). d) It relies on psychologically based explanations for mental disorders, rather than the medical model of mental illness. 2. B. Return of the False Positives Problem Annu Rev Clin Psychol. d) The prevalence of autism is higher among boys than girls. A drawback to the medical model of abnormality is that most mental disorders cannot be reliably diagnosed using physical tests/measures. I need to select the choice option that is consistent with statement above. Regarding the characteristics of psychosis, which of the following statements is FALSE? A. a) Americans continue to stigmatize mental health disorders b) Approximately one in three homeless individuals suffers from a mental health disorder. They are out of the patients control, they may in A hyperactive, wildly optimistic state in which dangerously poor judgment is common is called 2016;12:105-32. doi: 10.1146/annurev-clinpsy-032814-112800. There are many different types of mental disorders. Dissociative disorders are a group of disorders characterized by symptoms of disruption and/or discontinuity in consciousness, memory, identity, emotion, body representation, perception, motor control, and behavior (APA, 2022). Psychological disorders characterized by fundamental disturbances in thought processes, emotion, or behavior are classified as: \\ a. anxiety disorders b. dissociative disorders c. The boundaries between "normal" behavior and behavior typical of a disorder are very clear. Anxiety disorders are _____. This is a fear or discomfort that arises abruptly and usually involves feelings of impending doom. Trauma-informed care (TIC) involves a broad understanding of traumatic stress reactions and common responses to trauma. a. The fifth revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) was the most controversial in the manual's history. c) Suicide is the number one leading cause of death in adolescence. b. (p. 455) Which of the following perspectives on psychological disorders assumes that physiological causes are at the root of psychological disorders? Psychology questions and answers. a. Describe the social causes of personality disorders. Regarding anxiety disorders, which of the following statements is false? B. D) underlying behavioral issues. The prevalence in those between 70 and 75 years of age is about 1.5%. d) There is no major difference in mental illness among various regions A What population is most likely to experience impulse-control and substance disorders? a) Males b) Adults age 60 and over Let's examine each of these variables in greater detail. a) Panic attack. Psychology questions and answers. People with even mild psychological disorders are more likely to be dangerous and violent than people who do not have a mental disorder. Mental disorders are characterized by psychological dysfunction, which causes physical and/or psychological distress or impaired functioning, and is not an expected behavior according to societal or cultural standards. Epub 2016 Jan 11. Which of the following statements is FALSE about vascular neurocognitive disorder? __________________ is the term used when individuals have more than one disorder. Research has identified four important psychological variables that predict a psychological vulnerability to anxiety. If the choice option is not false, then it should not be selected. Section 1.1 Review Questions. False Many anxiety-related complaints such as trouble swallowing or breathing, or a "lump in the throat" can be traced to over activity of the _____ nervous system. Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding mental health? Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding major depressive disorder (MDD)? Regarding personality disorders, which of the following statements is false? B) Close biological relatives of people with this disorder are more likely to be diagnosed than those who are Regarding the difference between diagnosing Psychological disorders and Biological disorders, which of the following is FALSE: a. B ) In much of the popular media , people with psychological disorders are portrayed in positive , but stereotyped ways , such as being creative geniuses or artistic prodigies . C) repressed memories. https://quizlet.com 111695106 chapter-13-psychological-disorders-flash-cards Which of the following statements regarding criteria for determining abnormal behavior is FALSE? True or False: In somatic symptom disorders and dissociative disorders, anxiety is directly expressed in behavior. I need to select the choice option that is consistent with statement above. Which of the following is FALSE about the DSM 5? A) People with antisocial personality disorder are more likely to have experienced disturbances in family. D. Psychological health and physical health are intertwined. A) physiological causes. The terms or labels used for various mental disorders today are meant to Psychological disorders have much in common with other medical disorders. C. Psychological health is freedom from disorders. relationships and communication. Medical perspective B. Psychoanalytic perspective C. Humanistic perspective D. Behavioral perspective APA Goal Outcome: 1.4, 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: Remember Difficulty: Easy Learning Outcome: 46-2 Research regarding the development of personality disorders is limited compared to that of other mental health disorders. The overlap between psychological disorders and biological disorders is often hard to A. A drawback to the Rosenhaun & Seligman's criteria is their subjectivity. b. In much of the popular media, people with psychological disorders are portrayed in positive, but stereotyped ways, such as being creative geniuses or artistic prodigies. c. Research has shown that even people with mild psychological disorders tend to be dangerous and prone to violence. Psychological health is independent of physical health. a. Which of the following is FALSE regarding the causes of antisocial personality disorder? B) distorted thought patterns. People with disorders are more likely to be perpetrators of violent crime than victims of it. D) Actually, most violent criminals are not mentally ill, and most mentally ill people are not violent. Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding major depressive disorder (MDD)? The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; the major classification of psychological disorders in the United States. a. such disorders involve excessive anxiety that may interfere with normal functioning b. fear is a general feeling of anxiety or dread that is not specific to particular situations c. anxiety disorders are some of the most commonly experienced psychological disorders
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which of the following is false regarding psychological disorders