From development, implementation to evaluation, our team is committed to working with you by immersing ourselves into your business to help you manage your long-term goals and develop solutions that aligns with your organization’s values.
Our Mission
The Paulone Group’s mission is to provide cutting-edge and sustainable solutions to our community and the world by setting the standard of excellence in Healthcare, Information Technology, Education and Workforce development.
Our Core Values
Our values are defined by our expectations on how we work with others, how we service our clients, and the culture we want to emulate at our firm. We believe by working together we are one, changing the healthcare landscape is our duty, developing innovative solutions and technologies will carry us to the next century and caring for others is the bedrock of how we can change communities.
Our Team
We bring over 20 years of collective expertise in conducting evidence based research, engaging communities in participatory research, delivering medical services too “hard to reach” and disenfranchised populations in the US and abroad and securing our clients data. We believe in developing and utilizing core measures that demonstrate impact and sustainability. Our team is passionate and dedicated to improving the lives of individuals, forging global leaders by building a workforce and utilizing information technology to advance the global market place.
TGPs expertise span from academic research, information technology, medicine, population health, informatics research, healthcare management, clinical and preventive health, conducting impact evaluation in educational program, developing value-based insurance models, grant development, workforce training and more.