How Does health impacts our lives?
Global health is about our food culture, the fast food industry, which can contribute to diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular diseases; it’s about girls being able to obtain an education and women having their own economic empowerment.
Global health is the ideology that everybody should participate in the well-being of humanity and that we should all take responsibilities for these health issues, no matter where they occur and who is affected. In March 2014, the Ebola virus in West Africa (Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Nigeria) capture national media when one American medical worker was infected, and a man traveling from Nigeria to the US died.
What is the Solution?
It is estimated that 80% of the current health workforce are nurses and nurses are not included at the table during policy decisions addressing global health disparities. According, to the World Health Organization less than 1% of nurses are represented in the WHO staff to advocate for global health issues. Moreover, less than 2% of global health expenditures are spent on health professionals. Investing in a nursing and allied health professionals is one key element that can be used to address global health issues. Nurses and healthcare workers are essential in key leadership positions in implementing a healthcare workforce within regional (countries).